Sunday, July 14, 2013

Welcome and new finds

Well there is no turning back. I have joined WW again. The leader at the Saturdays meeting was AWESOME, I am really getting excited to start this again. Hopefully it will be my last time. It has only been 2 days but I love taking the challenge of getting the most food out of my daily points. 

I went shopping after the meeting yesterday and found these beauties. They are delicious tortilla shells and only 1 point!! I think this might be one of my saving graces through this journey. 

Camryn kept telling me that she wanted "hangabers" for dinner and I knew we had some frozen pattys but didn't want to use 20 pts on a hamburger. So I went to the store yesterday and found these AWESOME turkey burgers. They are 7 pts and they have a nice kick to them. I did splurge and had a regular bun for 3 pts but 10 pts for a hamburger?? Not bad! I loaded it up with lettuce, tomato, onions, pickles and ketchup and mustard. It was delicious! In fact, when Mark was done with his regular hamburger, I gave him a bite of mine. He had the most pleasantly surprised look on his face, priceless. I think he will eat these with me in the future. 

In between all this planning we managed to sneak in some fun with frozen yogurt at Yogurtland and a trip to Target I absolutely love Yogurtland. I got a decent size yogurt for 6pts. Which seems like a lot but I still had like 17 by the end of the day so 6 pts was fine by me and I enjoyed every second of it! 

Such a boy playing video games at Target. That was the ONLY thing he wanted to do. 

Such a girl playing with the toys. She had to have the pink purse. 


  1. You have got me motivated to blog again. In fact, Aubree is sitting her with me looking at your blog asking me if we can make mine pretty again like yours! If I do, will you promise to read it again?? I would like to have one person read it!

  2. haha yes! I will! As long as you read mine. Mine really is kind of my journal so I don't need the whole world reading it but it would be nice to have people I love read it to motivate me! :)
