Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Are you one of those people who say, "I love to exercise, it makes me feel so good"? In the words of Matthew Mcconaughey, "I call b.s." :)
 I was in great shape in high school mostly because I played volleyball. Conditioning was part of the game. You do it because you have to. Well over the years I have not done any sort of exercise which is what got me in this mess to begin with. That and eating anything I want anytime I want. Obviously, part of this journey, I need to face my hate relationship with exercise. I have started off slow in hopes that I will love it a little bit more over time. I am trying to incorporate things I can do with my kids, which has helped a little. Part of the reason I don't work out is because when I get home from work, the last thing I want to do is leave them to go to the gym. So the last few days I have taken them on a bike ride and they LOVE it! They ask me when I drop them off at school, "Can we go on a bike ride tonight?" I know it has only been a couple of days but it is such a great feeling knowing we have this time together. 

Kason looks a little cramped in there but he still loves it. :) I drove them over to the "Ghost Park" which is kind of far away from our house. They love this park so of course they were in heaven.. 

They were in heaven at this little park and no one was there so it was awesome. I also got to see these amazing views.. 

I love this plant 

 I gave Kason my phone on the way home and he managed to take pictures of this... 

P.s.. the ride home was uphill and I thought I was going to die. The kids kept saying, "Why are we going so slow?" haha

He was pretty proud of himself. :)

One last thing before I hit the sack, I wanted to talk about my awesome food find. hehe 

Remember how I said I wanted to find easy things to fix for dinner since I work all day and the last thing I want to do is come home and cook? Well I found these chicken skewers at costco and they are delicious. I had 2 skewers (8 pts) a half of a sweet potato (2-3 pts) a salad with cucumbers and light raspberry vinagarette salad (1pt for the dressing) so a total of 12 points! That is a lot of food for 12 points. In fact, it took me a long time to eat and I was so sick of sitting there! Then the hubs made a delicious fruit smoothie with light vanilla yogurt so a total of 2 pts. I am loving this so far, I do not feel deprived at all!


  1. I laughed out loud at the comment "why are we going so slow?" One time Jill and I were running and some old man that passed us said, "are you running or walking?" what a jerk.

  2. Ya the kids wanted to get out and walk themselves! haha. That is jerky of that guy! I went for a run/walk If someone were to see me, they would wonder the same thing!
